TVC is a film and TV commercial production and service company working in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. Here at True Victory Co, we help production houses from all over the world create and make professional shoots, commercials, ads, fashion videos and photo shoots, corporate and music videos at the highest possible level. We operate full-cycle: a thorough pre-production, production with the best European crew and post-production at the local facilities. We also provide an easy and smooth way to get a tax rebate for your project. True Victory Co offers an impeccable service that comes together with the most competitive prices in Europe.
Meet the team behind all of our great endeavors!
Get in touch via contact form or email us directly. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
True Victory Co Studio
Bul. "Tsar Boris III" 375
Sofia, Bulgaria 1619
Email: info@truevictoryco.com
Phone: +359 899 165 823
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